Thursday, March 18, 2010

Why and How

The question I get asked most is: Why? Good question.

Why did I get this tattoo in the first place, and why do I want to get it removed?

I think my tattoo is beautiful and the artist who inked my arm is exceptional. The tattoo serves as a reminder of a few things that are important to me. However, I am past the point in my life where I need a constant reminder of the reasons for getting the tattoo. Also, I am just tired of where the artwork is hanging. I should have considered my tendency to change a lot and not always like what I liked yesterday before getting a tattoo (I wish tattoos were moveable – then I would be a perfect candidate for one). Thus, the decision to get it removed popped into my head a few years ago. After a lot of research, contemplating, weighing pros and cons, I decided to start the process.

How long will it take?

It depends. For the size of my tattoo it will probably take anywhere between 8 and 15 sessions to inkless. That includes 6 - 8 weeks in-between treatments All together it will take at least a year to two years. This is a commitment just like getting a tattoo is a commitment. I figured I should get started now and not wait any longer.

How does tattoo removal work?

Magic! No, just kidding. There are three layers of the human skin: epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis aka subcutaneous tissue. Tattoo ink is injected into the dermis and therefore sticks around for eternity, save for some expected fading over time. Tattoo removal can be achieved by debriding the skin (think cheese grater), chemically (uh…no), and most often by laser. I am having mine removed via laser. A special laser is used to penetrate into the dermis at the site of the tattoo and break up the ink. After that it is up to the immune system to get rid of the tattoo ink.

I liked this visual representation from Rethink Laser Tattoo Removal

I hope that someone finds this information useful. I will post information on pain, pre-medications, post-medications, time, wound care, and before/after pictures.

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